Friday, May 30, 2008

breakdown on the hill!


Normally I walk down to the beach - about an hour along stone donkey tracks and through fields. yesterday I took the car to do some food shopping. A mistake! On the way back up a Greek overtook us and shouted "fire" as he went past. When we looked out the window we had what looked like smoke pouring out the front. We stopped! Luckily it wasn't smoke but an overheated radiator, water pouring over the road. We filled it up and tried again, but the car didn't seem to want to carry on up the hill. We phoned the centre and asked if someone could come and collect us. (The second day in a row I had to be rescued, as the previous day I got lost walking!)

While waiting for the rescue, a lovely Greek who had been obviously been drinking for a long time, decided to come and help us. When he found out we were English it was lots of hugs all round, back slapping (painful!) and wanting to get under the bonnet to help. We kept trying to distract him and his beer can so that he wouldn't get in the car. Amidst much giggling we managed to keep him talking and finally he weaved off up the road, can in hand, big smile on his face. We were towed back to the centre and all looks well with the car luckily. Only a loose radiator cap, and the radiator boiled over. That was Roger's job on Sunday!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

kalikalos is in Bloom!

Work here at kalikalos has continued, focused on the construction of the sanctuary on the terrace next to the vegetable garden. There has also been some creative work underway by the painting of metal plant pots to make the ground more pleasing! The sun has continued to shine and a new member, Gosh Pos, has been welcomed to the group!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Work Camp Mid May 2008

There is lots of work going on here at kalikalos this week on the work camp. The ground is being levelled ready for morning Tai Chi and Yoga classes on the front lawn. A fire pit and circle of logs has been created, and the ground is now being prepared for the sanctuary space, high up at the back of the centre, which will over look the mountains and ocean through the rose bushes.

Find the work you love, and you will never have to do another days work in your life. anon

Izzy Dickson, Derby, E. Midlands, England