Friday, July 3, 2009

Course in Miracles at Kalikalos

Well, I've just spent two weeks on a beautiful mountain called PILION in mainland Greece close to the Aegean sea, staying at Kalikalos Holistic retreat centre in Kissos village. And what a blessing, in every way.

I came here to attend a FORGIVENESS workshop with COURSE IN MIRACLES teacher, Annie Blampied, from Sussex, England. Everything was great about this Centre, from its host, former academic psychologist Jock Millenson (a very experienced community leader) to the workshop with Annie, and what I would call "the community spirit". something that is hard to put in words, but is definitely alive and well here.

Till now I have lived mostly on my own or with my family, but here I found I really do like this community living. In fact I like it so well, that I think I will bring more of it to my own life. And when i can, come back here again probably.

We five participants (me and four women!) of the workshop dug deep in the sessions and faced our deepest shadows and we sure did let in some light! I would recommend Annie's workshops to anyone interested in improving their life situation, and where better to do it than in brilliant sunshine (despite us hitting a freaky June where the weather was hotter and sunnier back home in Surrey than it was here in Greece for a change) and on the beaches of the Pelion peninsula, still unspoilt by foreign tourism.

So I say, come out to Kalikalos and experience it for yourself!

Freddy Brant, Sutton, Surrey

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