Sunday, September 13, 2009

Roundhouse Disaster

Our 7m diameter reciprocal framed roundhouse group space collapsed the night before last under the weight of collected water in the roof sections from a very heavy rainstorm accompanied by 20 mph gusting winds.

The photos show what is left of this beautiful structure, built over the summer of 2003 by Nigel Hilton from Morayshire, Scotland.

Many wonderful groups took place in this inside/outside group space over the past 7 years and the structure will be sadly missed. It's also a going to put pressure on our finances, as replacing it will not be cheap. Finding a volunteer finish carpenter who can machine the precision posts and struts will be a challenge, but we are determined to replace it. Alas, nearly every post and horizontal strut snapped in the collapse, so there is very little we can salvage from it.

As you see from the photos, one canvas roof section is badly ripped, but this can probably be patched. However, because all 10 posts and struts were idiosyncratic sizes, we are not sure that the roof sections can be used in any new structure.

We will be fund raising for donations to replace the roundhouse in the Spring of 2008.

Jock Millenson, Kalikalos Coordinator

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