Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The American Talking Stick

The talking stick was used in Native North American  tribes at council meetings. the main purpose was so no one would interrupt a chief when he was speaking. The talking stick was then passed to the next council member who wished to speak. It was a ceremonial item and was decorated with eagle feathers and crystals to show its significance. 

Here in KaliKalos we duplicate the same idea so that when there are staff meetings or group meetings then everyone who does not hold this stick then has the power of listening to the one individual speaking, therefor there are no arguments or speaking over each other, this also restores peace in the community.  Also when one person has finished speaking they then end with saying 'Ho' which  means 'I have spoken' and the group then reply with 'Ho' which translates to 'We have heard'.

Rose Owen

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