Monday, June 14, 2010

Hello all,

The week is unfolding here at Kalikalos. I arrived at the center over a week ago and have been finding my niche. The sun is shining and the beaches are sparkling clear. We set to work last week to welcome the sacral massage workshop lead by Helen Rohlicek and Susan De Muynck of England. The staff and I got to be test bodies and quite enjoyed it!

Also in participation was Dr. Ian Tenant, a reporter from Resurgence magazine. Look for Ian's article about the Centres in the next few months.

This week we're hosting the Non Violent Communication (NVC) work shop already underway. The days are very busy here and very satisfying. We've all been working hard and enjoying long afternoons next to the Aegean Sea. Even after just one week the staff has built a very deep connection and a successful community. I look forward to the coming weeks!

-Amy Mo
Jackson Hole, WY

1 comment:

Kalikalos Holistic Holidays Greece said...

View pictures of the massage workshop at: