Monday, May 14, 2012

To Euro or not to Euro, a Greek Tragedy or leading solution?

Sunday before last the Greeks went to the polls, with the deeply unpopular and largely counterproductive austerity measures having a dramatic effect on the country's economy and social infrastructure.  As it happened, the election passed peacefully and the result was a spread vote with no clear winners. Exactly what this means for Greece vis-a-vis the EU and the Euro remains to be seen. One thing has become increasingly clear, however; namely that the problems of mounting debt and deficit financing are not unique to Greece. Greece is the canary in the mine and what happens here is certain to have ramifications throughout Europe.

A Greek Solution

Kalikalos opened its ninth season one week ago, and we see the signs of austerity around us in the form of closed shops, increased prices and a decline in social services. At the same time, especially in our area (Volos city and surroundings) innovation and entrepreneurial spirit are growing.  Greece is an abundant country, there is food in the shops and a will in the people to move through and beyond the debt crisis. Our local town of Volos has become the Centre of a return to a barter system with the rebirth of a local currency. Volos has established a twice weekly street market selling food, produce services through its local currency.  This currency does not replace the Euro, but as the local people have less Euros in their pocket it provides an alternative system to meet some of the everyday needs of life.  This development made BBC news this week (below).

At Kalikalos we want to do whatever we can to take part and support these local initiatives. They represent in large part a return to true community and mutual aid, something which our multinational corporate model has largely destroyed by monetising nearly every human need. We hope that our work here building true community is a resource we can share with the local people. You too can help by considering making Greece your holiday destination this year. Your presence would be a small, but significant, action to support Greece, an action that goes beyond the currency that you bring.  By coming here you demonstrate a trust and faith in the strength and stability of Greece and its people.

Be part of the solution make a difference while on holiday see the Kalikalo 2012 Programme or if you are looking for an affordable alternative holiday come stay as a guest.

Affordable Alternative Holiday

visit as a Living

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