Monday, June 18, 2012

Liberating the Writer Within

Well, the summer sun has well and truly arrived at Kalikalos, and the beautiful mount Pelion, and so did a group of aspiring writers.

Our workshop leader, Steve Nobel, guided us through a set of exercises designed to liberate the writer within, and to tune into what is really going on inside each one of us. We learned how to make the inner critic our new best friend and how to tune into our subconsciousness and use whatever was coming up as a source of inspiration and original material. I was amazed at what we produced, things you didn't know were there would arise onto the surface to be looked at, and then let go.

We also took the opportunity to hop into 'our' little red Micra and travel to the nearby villages, sitting in the local cafes with our notebooks whilst learning how to really express from within. Each one of us brought a different perspective and a unique voice and style, all learning from each other.

The workshop was much more than just writing - much magic and healing was created not just for ourselves but I'd like to think also for the collective. It was an incredible priviledge to get to know such an amazing and diverse group of people whose different backgrounds and stories weaved together creating a ripple in time. The cool blue water of the Adriatic soothed and grounded us in the afternoons and our laughter continued well into the night.

I truly miss our time together and will look back at this workshop as a culmination of a long journey and the start of a new one. And I was surprised by the bond this work created between us - the resonance from our work together will carry us all on our way home.

Much love and gratitude to everyone who made it possible.

In the homegrounds of Chiron, June 2012, Kati Medini Sivula.

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