Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Ducks at Kalikalos

We have two ducks at Kalikalos.  Their names are Snowy and Wooly. Snowy is the smaller one who we think is female and Wooly is the larger one who we think is male. The are about two months old but they have been expanding at a rapid pace and they already look like adult ducks. They have not made quack noises as yet but they do make little squeeky noises when they get fed or let out of their enclosure as you see in the photo with me as babysitter. They have a little bath in their pen which they enjoy floating around in and preening their feathers.

 The ducks are beautiful to watch and instill a sense of presence in me when I'm with them. They are peaceful, sweet, gentle and have beautiful white feathers. The white feathers capture a gorgeous creamy light and the feathers make a gentle rustling noise when they are preened.
 I would like to take them home hidden under both arms through the airport customs. 
Jeanette, Leeds, England

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