Sunday, September 12, 2010

Writting in the rain at Kalikalos

on saturday 11th september it rained all day ..what better way to spend the afternoon than gathering in a tiny circle with a few candles and open our hearts to the sound of rain pelting onto the round tent space. this is used for all sorts of activities from yoga in the early morning to the morning sharing circles and more. despite of and thanks to the rain ,we wrote and wrote and  finally we entered a poetry field  and were inspired by the sufi poet rumi, mary oliver, rainer maria rilke and other kindred spirits of the past .
let me share with you what came to us
          and in this silence there is so much
          and when i open the door i will only see the light
          and i will say welcome home
          shine into every corner and spear nothing
          and when the rain falls
          i will say welcome
          your tears and mine are of the same sort
         and when i kneel down on the earth
         she will s say' welcome my child, you have returned at last'
         and so one by one all will fall into its rightful place
         and no one and no thing will be spared
         only gratitude will remain
         for this being alive in a space of no return and nothing

        and here is another voice

        can  i rest?
        let it be
        let it go
        is there anything at all that can be known?
        or is it gone and already lost
        the moment it is seen
       am i feeling this tired
       because i keep holding on
       to fleeting times and worries of the past
       i am feeling so light
       as a leaf in the wind
       moving this pen\
       on a white paper sheet
       some writing appears
       it is very sweet

       and here one example of a poem which brought together all our voice:s, a group poem:

       i will only see the light,
       your hand,that so round
       is moving this pen,
       writing appears....
       is there anything at all that can be known
       i learned about tone and falsetto
       and only gratitude remains

       and then it got dark and the rain would not stop pelting, thunder and lightening, the elemts roaring in the
       greek mountains, we felt softened and at one for that tiny moment in time and the bell for the evening
       meal summoned us around  the tables  for the evening meal and other business.
       i knew again how much i love to create these 'soul writing spaces' like hardly any other because they are 
      a reminder that we are one  and that all that which is so much talked and theorised about is  true
      indeed if given time and made space for.

      bettina peterseil from kalikalos in the pelion mountains

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